Monday, March 11, 2013

Jesus is our vision of hope

Thought of the day: fasting hopelessness 

Jesus is our vision of hope

The cross before Jesus represented death. Our view was one dimensional . We could only see the power it had to steal, kill and destroy. 
The cross after Jesus represents power over death. Our view is now multidimensional. Now we see the power it has to restore, resurrect and renew. 

We see so simply that anything can change after an encounter with Jesus. He changed our view of their electric chair from gruesome to glorious. 
"it is finished" were three words spoken by our savior that changed our view of the cross forever. They opened the door to hope. 
He encountered our worst fear, death, and said to it- enough! 
Our hope is He had and still has the final word to our gruesome circumstances. Our hope trusts that His encounter with them will restore, resurrect and renew 

Believe that in our encounter with Jesus He will say, enough, I have come to give you life!

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