Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Where Are You? Day 3 of Advent

"You found me"
The Fray

This song reminds me of Job's questioning God.
Job's question was who are you? 
Where were you, God?
God, Listens patiently and answers with..
 "I'm so much bigger than your problems.. turn to me and I will take care of you:)

Where Are You? 

So my attempt to follow Advent this year is going good so far! I think it's because I'm following through the season with a couple of books I picked up this Sunday afternoon. 

 "The greatest Gift" 
by Ann Voskamp 
"Unwrapping the Greatest Gift"
 by Ann Voskamp

I like them both because the first is for adults and the second is for kids. 
Both are a treasures to read each day. 

Today, Ann's focus for the day requires us to ask a question. 

Where Are You?

"Where are you in your life? 
Where are you- from Jesus? 
To get where you want to go, the first question you always have to ask is Where am I? 
We only find ourselves when we  find out where He is. 
We only find ourselves .. When we find Him. 
We lost ourselves at one tree .. And only find ourselves at another."

We died because of one tree, but if we turn to face the other tree 
we will find life and live it more abundantly. 

Isn't that what we all want? 

To find the secret to live a life well lived. 

I know I do.

So, where do we begin?

Ask yourself, Where am I?
Have you fallen short? Me too:)

"Whenever you fall, wherever you fall short, your God whispers to you with a love that wraps around you like a gentle arm; "Wherever you are, I will always come find you. Whatever you've done, I will always keep looking for you until My eyes see you, till My hands of healing reach you, till I can hold you close again to my heart." 

This is Jesus. 
This is His heart for us.

The enemies voice questions, confuses and accuses.
His favorite bait is

"God doesn't really love you. God doesn't really give you good enough things.
 God doesn't really give the gift of love all the time." 

and oh how he loves to ask these questions this time of the year.. 
Don't bite at the bait
his words spill from a wounded prideful heart that turned due to pride. 
pride will always keep you far far away from true authentic love. 

So let Ann's words below seep deep into your heart today. 
Let's be joyful that we have a Savior that is always looking to Save us:) 

"At one wooden tree in the Garden of Eden, we fell for the lie that God didn't love us, and we fell away from God and got lost. And at one wooden cross near the Garden of Gethsemane, God found us and stretched out His arms and proved forever and always and no matter what He loves us with an unconditional, unbeatable, unfailing, unwrapple love." 

As I thought about where I was at.. A smile came to my face. For many years I've worried about my children in all kinds of ways.. This year I can say I have such peace because I know without a shadow of doubt.. He is with them all no matter where they are at:) The best assurance out there:) 

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