Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hope is God can handle what I can not

Thought of the day: Fasting Hopelessness

Hope is God can handle what I can not

The statement above is a lie. 
Its a subtle lie, because it's one word that makes it a lie.

Its just how the enemy works. 
Did you know that the enemy can not "create" anything new. 
He can only manipulate what God creates. 
The enemy has no power to create and that is why he loves to subtly change truth into lies... 
with just one word. 
The saying, "God will never give you more than you can handle" comes from 

1 Corinthians 10:13
and its often misquoted.

"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.”

This verse gives us much hope, but it does not say that God will not “give you more than you can handle.” It’s talking about temptation only – that we will not be tempted beyond what we can endure. 

This is an important lesson to learn.

For people to think they are somehow protected by God from “too much” suffering is a dangerous, false teaching. In fact, He sometimes uses suffering to get our attention.
Its been my experience and saving grace that there are things in this life that I can not handle. I have sat at the door of death and wondered how am I ever going to make it to my next breath. 
Truth is if it were up to me in those moments I would have chosen to quit and go on up to heaven. I would have never made the choice to stay and endure. I can testify that not me but God in me handled those choices. 
When we admit we can not handle the hard things in life it allows God to handle them. 
I wanted to pull out my soap box this morning to debunk this lie!
 If we don't see the sublet setup for failure we will live in defeat , guilt and shame for not being strong enough or wise enough. 
Kelly Clarkson even has it half wrong
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
Is only true if you were carried by God through it. 
If you still need proof, Hebrews 11:7-40 should paint a pretty good picture for you. 
My guess would be that the Hero's of faith never thought they would endure their calling if God himself didn't carry them through. 
Noah would have never known how to build a boat big enough to carry on the human race. Yet, God gave him every dimension of the boat when he depended on God.

Abraham and Sarah would have never been the parents of many nations in their own strength at 100 years of age. Only God can do that..
Joseph would have never been able to endure 13 years of prison and slavery with out God carrying him through to see his dreams come true. 
Moses would have never delivered the Israelite's from Egypt without the
"I Am" with in him. 
And there was Job, who question God, "Who are you?" and God carried him while He answered his questions.. He restored to Job more than he had lost.
And lets not forget Jesus,
who could not carry His own cross with out God carrying Him to defeat death ..
They did this together so we wouldn't have to do it alone!
I could go on, but I think you get the point. 
My hope is that we will all know the truth and it will set you free to hand over what you aren't expected to handle on your own.

I love you Jesus!

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