"For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." luke 19:10
Have you ever felt lost? I mean the kind of lost that makes you feel like you've been stranded out at sea. After we lost Jack, I found myself on a ship setting sail for the island of "Lost"!
Grief has the ability to take you to that place called "Lost". The battle required to defeat grief's grip on "the ones left behind" is the most deadly part of death. Returning to life after the loss of a loved one is still uncharted territory.
"You know there is a 90% divorce rate for couples who lose a child." This is one of the first statements a couple hears from a counselor after their loss. Which by the way is uncalled for! I say, let's let the couple pull themselves together from the first major blow life just delt them. However, the reality is most families are torn apart because they lose hope. Living with hope deferred makes the heart sick. It also leaves you feeling lost.
Have you ever thought that "lost" may be the very place you need to be? In "Pirates of the Caribbean at worlds end", The captain of the ship is trying to pump his crew up for the next part of their journey. One that they need to take to find something of great value. The journey requires that they go through a storm to a place they have never been before. They question him about the necessity of the path. His reply to them.."Sometimes you have to be lost to find the places that can't be found." Which brings me to why I love the scripture above... "Lost" is the very place we can find a savior. Jesus came to save the lost! The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came that we may be found to live our lives more abundantly!
Finding your way out of "Lost" will look much like a Hollywood pirate film. It will be filled with adventure, suspense, bloody battles, and will end with a love story. The love story will be how God's love saves and rebuilds your family from His word... Always remember His promise to us...
"I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt." Jer 31:4
Headed twords hope!
Julie Peck
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