"Fools are undone by their big mouths;
their souls are crushed by their words"- Proverbs 18:7 (MSG)
I am always surprised to see how God work's in my life. I have just enough knowledge about God to be dangerous. Dangerous in good ways and bad ways. Today, I was "dangerous in a good way". Only because I choose to look first at God, instead of looking first and staying focused on my troubles. Let me explain...
Yesterday, a new storm rolled in. It was a blizzard of "Uncertain Circumstances". The problem was, the last storm hadn’t cleared up yet. I wasn’t sure we could handle any more snow!
I am sure you can relate! We all go through a "winter season" in our life that seem to have more than its fair share of problems and heartache. Entering into my 5th year of winter, I was hoping to catch a glimpse of spring. Instead, I got another blizzard.
A couple of years ago I wouldn't have taken the news of the oncoming blizzard very well. I would have worried and complained about it to all that would listen. However, this morning was different. With just enough knowledge to be dangerous, I knew God needed to be first in line to listen.
As I prepared for my morning quiet time, I remembered that I needed to put a load of clothes in the washer. Quickly, I ran down stairs to complete the chore. As I was pouring the laundry detergent in the washer I thought about how thankful I was to have a washing machine and detergent. I reminded myself that I do have a lot to be thankful for. So, I made a decision to thank God for everything I could thank Him for during the day. I figured this would be the best way to get back at Satan for trying to use this new blizzard to smother me. Word's of gratitude! That would be a good weapon! I ran back up stairs, happy about my plan of attack, ready to start my quiet time.
I just started a new study, "Can we talk?” by Priscilla Shirer. The study teaches you how to have conversations with God by reading His word. Eventually this would re-train me to rely more on the Spirit. Well, I am here to say day one worked. The spirit was at work and I was listening.
My assignment was to read James 3:8-11.
"but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt[a] water flow from the same spring?"
How funny to read about the dangers of the tongue!" I had just made a decision to retaliate against my enemy today with praises to my Lord and Father. This trilled me so I dug a little deeper to see if there was anything else God wanted me to know. What I learned was I had to take action, to make a decision. How was I going to react to the uncertain circumstances? Was I going to allow Satan to use my tongue to dispense "deadly words of poison"? Or, would I allow the Holy Spirit to use it to dispense the "antidote"- "truthful words of life".
God also showed me that the enemy loved the blizzard that had just come into my life. The cold weather normally shuts me down and fills my heart with despair. One of the enemy's greatest weapons is my tongue that speaks from my heart of total despair. If I choose to give my tongue to him at this moment it will spew poison that will cause injury, illness and death to my loved ones. However, if I choose to give my tongue to the Holy Spirit during the blizzard I could speak words of life, hope and encouragement that will actually melt the snow!
The blizzard that came in so suddenly I thought was here to teach to "let go" again... But actually it was here to show me the fruit of a sanctified heart, "My words": Matthew 12:34 says that "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." The key is out of the abundance of the heart, that is, "what is in the heart?"-
God was in my heart! Finally! I have been running hard after Him for the past 4 years begging for understanding. Now I understand. His ways do not always make sense, but they are always for the good of those who love Him. Today, I made the right choice. I gave my tongue to God and He poured from my heart words of life that would offer words encouragement to those little ears around me that I love so much!
Thank you God! You are so good!
Julie Peck
1 comment:
Wow Julie...what an inspiration! I feel like I want to memorize your words and share them with all who are suffering. What a blessing to have opened a precious gift from God as you received this incredible insight. Satan intended to strike you down but from where I sit it appears you are shouting from the mountain tops!
Thank you for these words! I will tuck them away in my heart.
Love........the South Dakota Julie :)
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