Thursday, January 7, 2016

Weary one, grab hold of My hand.

"Good, good Father"

I'm feeling a bit weary this week. Looking at a new year of endless possibilities, I find myself questioning. Am I up for the challenge? Am I worthy or adequate to blaze a new trail this year? Do I dare dream that there is a bigger hope to dream for the impossible to become possible? 

Stepping out to grow and lead others to dream is a bit scary.  God doesn't send us a detailed list of to-do's for the year. He wants us to lean in and pray and listen to His still small voice. He wants us to follow the next nudge that leads to the next nudge. This process to me feels a little like walking blindfolded to my next destination. I never really know where we are going, but when I get there He always gives me a gift. You give Him your heart, thoughts, hands and feet and He gives you His grace, presence and power to accomplish the impossible. The gift is really a new part of  "you" that looks more like Him at the end of the process. What He produces through you is only a bonus.  I know how this process works by looking back at past trails and yet I still find myself struggling again with the invitation to blaze a new one. The blindfold goes back on and I'm forced to accepted that I don't know the next step. I struggle for a week or two and hear Him say, humble yourself. He wants me to realize I'm not the one in charge. He reminds me that our last journey took me to this new trail but this journey won't look like the last. Our last journey grew me and my faith. It developed some character and some fruit but the point of the journey was trust. His question at the beginning of every new journey is will you trust me more? Will you trust that I love you and care for you more than anyone you know? Will you trust me to show up right on time with just what you need to take the next step? Will you let go just a little bit more of your plan and accept more of mine? 

When I focus on my plans it gives me anxiety. I think about what He has called me to do and I have no idea how to do it on my own. He calls us to heavenly tasks so earthly plans do not exist. When I begin planning on my own, He allows me to feel overwhelmed. This is what doing His plan in your own strength feels like. 

It's His way of saying,  "Lay your worries of 'how" back down at my feet and come to me. Come and bring me your heart, thoughts and worries. I want to hear your voice speak these concerns to Me. Allow Me to lift My responsibilities from you and give you My peace. You will only accomplish My tasks by allowing Me to do them through you. So for now, let Me pour My love into your heart. Set your eyes on Mine and see that I'm here for "you", not your "to do". My whole focus is you and the healing of your heart."

We get so bogged down in God "using us". His plans are to use us, but it's not with a slavery mindset. We are not His "minion's", we are His children. Minions are only good while they produce. When they get weary, they get replaced. Children are nurtured and developed through a loving relationship to be in community. This community works together and provides a space for the weary to rest, not be replaced. Our Good Father is more concerned about maturing us and conditioning our hearts with His love. We can produce so much more when we first feel loved and taken care of by Him. His focus is relationship, not ownership. When He returns He will recognize those who sat at His feet and conversed with Him. Those who shared their hearts with Him and allowed Him to share His heart with us. He is the One who gives us tasks and instruction. The temptation for us is to do things on our own. We can do mighty things in His name and still never know Him. What will He say to those people who did things on their own? 

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Matthew 7:21-23

"Evildoers", doing things He did not ask us to do. Have you ever had someone do something for you that you didn't ask them to do? This person may of had good intentions to help, but without you asking for help, may have messed things up. The mindset of this person is focused on their ability to fix rather God's ability to make whole. We don't want to be this kind of person for Jesus. We want to help His plans not interfere with them. Sitting at His feet and listening to His written word will help develop us into this kind of person. Just think, His first words to us when we see Him face to face could be, "Good work my good and faithful servant".  You believed in me and  listened to me and did just what I asked you to do. Always, remember His yolk is not hard if you walk with Him. 

 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30

So, with this year set before me I'm laying down my worries and plans. I'm going to spend some time at His feet listening to His plans and allowing Him to love me. I know when I focus on Him, He takes care of everything else. 

2016 will be a year of possibility for the one willing to believe. 

I wanted to share a part of my daily prayer time with you. It really helped me this morning refocus on how He see's me. I hope it helps you:) 

Pray Psalm 91 over yourself and family everyday. Declare it out loud. It tells the unseen things of this world that you are siding with God. The unseen world and it's confusion and weariness has to bow and leave when you declare who’s side your on. There is power in the name of "Jesus".  Allow Him to show you His power as you command all things not of Jesus to go to His feet so He can deal with them, not you.  This doesn’t mean hard things go away, it means God gives you His vision and plan on how to navigate it. Then read the except below and begin to believe it. All you have to do is believe,  God will work on your behalf. Watch for the open doors and the closed ones. Thank Him every day for His blessings. Gratitude will open the door to grace. He gives us grace to accomplish what He calls us to do.

"Thank you Father for hearing my prayers-
 (Insert Your Name), I know the burdens you carry”

"Come to Me and rest. Find peace from the trouble of your day. I know your responsibilities are many, and I know the burdens you carry. So come to Me, and I will be your Hiding Place. My heart will be your Refuge.
"Call Me your Shepherd and I will carry you. Call Me your Friend and I will listen to your heart's cry. Call Me your Redeemer and I will bring restoration to your soul. Absorb My peace. Being busy with many things will bring distraction and discouragement. But when you come to leave your "busyness" with Me I will bring you to My chamber where everything is at peace.
"The expectations of others will drown out My song of grace over your life. Listen in stillness to My lyrics of love and you will soar above the disappointments in your journey. Call Me your Strength and My invisible power will be seen in your life.
"Never be limited by the feeling of weakness. I know the burdens you carry, burdens of past failures and fear of inadequacy as you ponder your future. I am here with you this very moment to be more than a Companion, I will be the Lord of Love and the God of Every Tender Mercy.
"I am drawn to your weakness, for grace is My constant passion-- to show you that My grace is more than enough. Rise from the place of despair and betrayal and come to Me. Call Me your Burden-Bearer and leave them all at My feet. You will rise up with strength and be surrounded with peace. The comfort of My grace is with you, My child."

Psalm 23 The Passion Translation
David’s poetic praise to God
¹The Lord is my Shepherd and my Best Friend.
I always have more than enough.
²He offers a resting place for me
In his luxurious love.
His tracks take me to an oasis of peace,
The quiet brook of bliss.
³That’s where he restores and revives my life.
He opens before me pathways to God’s pleasure,
And leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness,
So that I can bring honor to his name.
⁴Lord, even when your path takes me through
The valley of deepest darkness
Fear will never conquer me, for you already have!
You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way.
Your authority is my strength and my peace.
The comfort of your love takes away my fear.
I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.
⁵You become my delicious feast
Even when my enemies dare to fight.
You anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit;
You give me all I can drink of you until my heart overflows.
⁶So why would I fear the future?
For I’m being pursued only by
Your goodness and unfailing love.
Then afterwards—when my life is through,
I’ll return to your glorious presence
To be forever with you!

I agree with what I have said in Jesus name.. I believe.


The Prayer above was found in "I hear His whisper"- by Brian Simmons

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