Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Reflections of His Glory

Currently, I'm taking a class on how to create a self care plan. It's teaching me how to live out 1st commandment first and 2nd commandment second.
"Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like the first:
Love your neighbor as yourself."
- Matthew 22:37-39
Last night we were discussing His glory... Specifically the glory He placed with in us so we could be a reflection of Him "on earth". 
Do you know what your glory is? Its treasures He placed with in your heart that allows you to become the "the one of a kind" individual here on earth that He created long ago in Heaven. How do we discover these treasures? We go on a treasure Hunt... Why? because these treasures are usually buried deep with in our hearts .. They are covered with a debris of lies from the enemy.
Allow me to paint you a picture. Your heart, its a treasure from God filled with many truths about who you are in Him. for example it may read like this.. Chosen, Beloved, Daughter of the King, Worthy, Brave, Full of hope, Healed, Beautiful, Free, Royalty, Holy and Blameless, Citizen of Heaven, light of the world, Free from sin and bound to righteousness. These are all true statements about who we are in Christ.. These are the treasures we must find and believe and live by.. But most often they stay dormant .. dead .. underneath the enemy's lies. He covers our treasures with dirty lies like.. shame, blame, guilt, unworthiness, performance, perfectionism, lust, greed, pride.. You get the picture.. All of these lies cover and kill our treasures.. our truths.. they were also bought by Christ when He died on the cross for you and your sins.. He paid for them.. and somehow we are tricked into thinking they are ours to take back ....and carry with us through life.
Jesus says to us.."give me back what's mine. That shame you carry.. its mine.. You've stolen from me and I want it back. I've replaced it with worthiness and grace.. mercy and beauty is yours to keep.. Give me the dirty lies of the enemy so my truth about you can live."
The real truth is until you give back to God what is His... The truth about who you are in Him will never live. The reflection of Him will never been seen through you until you give back to Him what is His. We must uncover the truth about who we are.. so we can live..
It is a real tragedy to allow these truths to die while living here on earth.. So, my challenge to you is this.. What have you stolen from Jesus? Shame.. guilt.. unworthiness? What ever it is.. give it back.. Ask for forgiveness and ask Him to wash you clean.. Ask Him to reveal the truth about who you are and what your special treasures are:) For me its Hope.. its Life.. its laughter... its worthiness..and courage.. its perseverance.. and love.. and my hope is to share it.. give it away extravagantly to all who want to share it with me:)
Lord, We love You.. We love who You are to us and for us... and we love who You want us to become and be.. Help us see a glimpse of Your goodness in our hearts today. Help us uncover the treasure and the beauty of You within us:) Give us the courage to believe:) I love You God- You make all things new!

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