"Just think how happy you'd be if you lost everything and everyone you have right now.. and then, somehow got them back again." -Kobi Yamada
I came across this quote the other day and thought to myself, "Wow! now that is happy beyond my wildest dreams!" I am not sure who the author of this quote is, but I am sure that this person has experienced loss. Only someone who has truly lost something dear and precious to their heart could have written these words. I am guessing this form of "happy" was experienced by both Mary's when they went to visit the tomb of their lost loved one, Jesus. To everyone else it was just an ordinary Sunday, the beginning of a new work week. But for the two Mary's it was no ordinary Sunday, for them it was the beginning of "knowing" the reality of losing everything dear. As they approached the tomb, lost in quiet thought, I can only imagine that their hearts skipped a couple of beats when they arrived. An angel appeared before their eyes and said" He is not here, He has risen!" Can you imagine! How happy do you think these girls were? I can just see their faces... eyes red and swollen; cheeks chapped and stained by the many tears shed.... jaws dropped with their mouth's wide open due to what their hearts could only dare to believe. Never in their wildest dreams could anything this amazing happen to the two of them. As the reality of this moment sunk in, I believe they felt true happiness... This kind of "happy" offered a settled peace to their souls. One that would afford them the ability to "believe" once and for all... to never worry again about the future.
It is hard to imagine what that kind of "happy" feels like... I think about it often. Today, I dream about that moment... the moment when I get to experience the "happy" that will bring the ultimate peace of knowing that I will never experience loss again!
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