"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy"- Martin Luther King
I have this picture hanging in my kitchen. I bought it about 6 months before Jack passed away. I remember the day I bought it, it was not for me but for someone whom I loved very much. She had been experiencing many hard circumstances in her life that were forcing her to make some tough decisions about her future. I remember the day that this now framed treasure to me, was purchased to inspire and uplift someone other than me. The words spoken long ago by Dr. Martin Luther King, were somehow the very words that I wanted to say to my loved one...yet I could not muster up the courage to physically do on my own. So, the next best thing was to hang it on my wall right beside my refrigerator (which happens to be a place that I see many times during the day). I am not sure if she ever took notice of my attempt to encourage her, but I am sure of one thing, it has encouraged and blessed me many times.
You know, we all have struggles. We all have hard circumstances in life. I am not the only one who has lost a loved one.. and I can honestly say that I have listened to many others who have experienced much more pain that I have personally had to bare. Circumstances are what make up life, good and bad ones. We all face them daily. The question is, how do you allow them to "measure you"? You do have a choice. I believe that we have an enemy that attempts to use all of our circumstances to cause us to fail. We also have a savior that wants to use the same circumstances to cause us victory and Him glory. It's my decision to make, in the midst of life's circumstances, whom I'm going to follow.
I have been able, just this week, to put into words the lesson that I have been learning for many years. It was prompted by an interview Smith and I had this past Sunday at Briarlake Babtist Church. We knew going in that we would be discussing Romans 8:28, "And we know all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." Let me first say, this is not the first time we had been asked to talk about this subject. So, I thought we had this one down pat... really no need to put anymore thought into "why we trust that God works all things together for good". Yes, today the fruit of giving our circumstances to God is bright and beautiful for all to see. What I failed to allow others to see was the daily battle, the fight to trust when there was no reason to do so. It would have been so easy to give up and give in to my misfortune. Now looking back, what good would that have done? What kind of legacy would that leave? What kind of example would that be for my girls? Where exactly would that leave me standing? I know now, it would have led me into a bigger mess! Just where my enemy would have led me.
This has not been an easy lesson to learn... and that is why I am sharing it! Learning to trust, walk through, and accept life's struggles is not an easy task. It raises questions and demands answers. When we realize for the first time, that pain is a part of life, life isn't fair and bad things really DO happen to good people... it cause us to question. Question what we believe about life... and that is where some of us stop... we see all the disappointments and sorrow life has given us and we lose hope, give up and give in to failure. I will admit that I have given in many times throughout my life. However, and for what ever reason, I chose this time to fight back! It was a daily battle to fight against the despair of life with out Jack. I had to choose... to get up everyday and fight back, walk through and find a way to the other side. My motivation was that I knew Jack would want the best for me.. He would want his sisters to still have their mom.. and his dad to still have his wife... and for me to find a way to be happy again. I must admit the work is hard, especially when there is no clear plan laid out before you. The plan was only revealed on a day by day basis... and was tailor made for me. No ones plan will ever look the same... but I have found one common ingredient in every plan... if you allow the good... you will find a new "measure of you"... a part of you that you never knew existed before... someone who has found a way to live a life to the fullest. You begin to dream again and hope for a bright new future!