My Friend, Missy Morgan
Missy Morgan is my friend! I say that to make a point…
The fact that I cannot physically see her doesn’t end our relationship..
It will continue because now I see her through the eyes of my heart…
Last year, I stumbled across a sentence that made me question God…
“God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don't see.”
Gen. 1:1
All we see and don’t see? What in the world does that mean?
Why would God’s choose these words to be His first words written to us in the bible?
My question led me to a very comforting answer … That has opened my eyes to see “the unseen things”. They taught me how to see what I don’t see…. So I can live with what I do see….
If truth be known, I was a teensy bit afraid to be Missy’s friend.
Because I didn’t want her to ever know the pain I knew.
Who would have ever dreamed that Missy Morgan’s and Julie Peck’s paths would cross?
A mother who had just lost a son and a mother whose greatest fear was to lose a son.
I remember the week we first met. It was June of 2006, our first time serving at the “Lighthouse”. Smith suggested that we go because a good friend of his … thought the mission of the lighthouse reflected the heart of JSP’s newly birthed vision. Another reason ….that wasn’t mentioned, but clearly understood by both of us… was personal..
We were also going because we learned early on…while traveling our own journey of grief …..That somehow…. helping others helped us… It demanded our full attention which forced our eyes to focus on something besides our own pain.
The Morgan’s were returning to the lighthouse to enjoy their 2nd visit. The year before they had been had served by an amazing family, “The Howards “who are still their close friends today. They also experienced meaningful connections with caring volunteers.
But, most importantly they connected with fellow warriors who were also battling cancer.
I am sure that Missy came to have fun, to be loved on, to rest and relax and enjoy much needed time together with her family.
I came to serve, make new friends, fold and wash clothes, make beds, and to hopefully make life a little easier that week for a family who needed a break from late night hospital check in’s because someone had spiked another fever..
What happened when our paths collided with our own agenda’s?
Let me take you behind the scenes...
30 min before we met the Morgan’s I decided to take a moment to learn about Ryan’s cancer. My eyes had never seen the word neouroblastoma before. I walked into my room, closed the door turned on the television, and grabbed my paperwork hoping to find a definition to this word. Needless to say, I could not find the medical dictionary that I thought may have been included. Somewhat satisfied with not understanding, I heard a voice on the television that by chance had been turned on to a show that was explaining the history of Alex’s Lemonade stand. Alex had neoroblastoma too…. Wow what a coincidence…. As I listen I became quickly aware of the weight this word carried. It didn’t take too long before I found myself crying in my bedroom asking God “Why”….I know that day I was unaware of the why.. But God was not..
It was no coincidence that Missy and I became friends the summer of 2006. God orchestrates our lives- “From one man he made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.” – Acts 17:26
It is no accident which neighborhood you grew up in, who lived next door, who went to school with you, who is part of your church, and who works with you. Our relationships are appointed by God, so there’s every reason for me to believe that our friendship was appointed by God as well and it will continue in Heaven. God’s plan doesn’t stop on the Earth- Friendships that begin here on Earth will continue in Heaven.
When God said, “It is not good for man to be alone” –Genesis 2:18, He was speaking not only of marriage but also of the need for friendship. He was saying, I’ll make these people so that they’ll need one another.”
Did we need one another? I surely didn’t think so... But as the week came to an end, I forced myself to confess my past to Missy and she said back to me… “Julie, I am not sure why, but I know in my heart that we were suppose to know one another”
I am thankful today for our friendship. It was not always an easy one… we did have many moments of laughter and I am very thankful for that.. But we also had moments that I brought me to my knees..
I will never forget the conversation we had sharing lunch at the McDonalds’ located across the street from Scottish rite…
“Julie, I never planned on having cancer… I never planned on my son having cancer” she said as she casually took a bite of her “Fish Filet” my reply … honest silence ….because none of us plan for the bad… there were no words to offer … just a look that offered love.
Or the conversation we had this past November at Emory hospital. As she was waiting to be released by the doctors to go home… she turned to me and said… “I guess I will get to meet Jackson...”
That was Missy Morgan for you.. Always looking at the glass half full…and speaking the truth! Her honesty gives me peace today. With that statement she gave me assurance of where she was sure that she was going… and I cannot wait to see her again..
As I reflected this week on our friendship I remember something that happened the day after Jack died. I just happened to open my bible which I had never opened before on my own....My eyes fell to a page that had been scribble on by Jack… The verse I read was Isaiah 43:10 it said…
“You are my witnesses and my servant, whom I have chosen..”
June 2006, Missy and I agreed to begin a relationship. A friendship forged between “two soldiers” on the battlefield of life. Our Mission, that was unknown at the time… was to witness to one another. Missy witnessed to me a life lived to the fullest no matter what the circumstances were… I witnessed to her a life that could be restored and lived again to the fullest no matter what the circumstances were… Nothing can ever replace the loving relationship we shared while fighting the heart breaking battles of this life.
I know when I get to Heaven I will remember my experience of fighting side by side with Missy Morgan in trenches of this fallen Earth.
She has had and will continue to have a profound influence on my life.
I will miss her greatly …. Until we meet again!
“We have not lost our dear ones who have departed from this life, but have merely sent them ahead of us, so we also shall depart and shall come to that life where they will be more than ever dear as they will be better known to us, and where we shall love them without fear of parting.” – Augustine
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