View the event's Web site:http://www.trueidentity.myevent.com/
Hear the radio advertisment: http://us.mc543.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?fid=Inbox&sort=date&order=down&startMid=0&.rand=1479742906
I have been asked by a dear friend to speak at her women's conference coming up in march. I can not even believe that I am going to be able to share in this event. I am humbled to the point of tears at the thought of being able to do God's work.
I just had a funny thought...
"I found a golden ticket!" remember the movie, "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?" I'm Charlie Bucket, the poor but good-hearted boy living with his widowed mother and four bedridden grandparents. He dreams of finding the last golden ticket to be a contestant in an exciting contest. The finders of these special tickets will be given a full tour of Mr. Wonka's world-renowned candy factory and be given a lifetime supply of chocolate.
All of the kids in town are frivolously buying loads of candy bars every day hoping to be the one to find the golden ticket. Poor Charlie,on the other hand, would be grateful to buy just one candy bar. On his way home, Charlie finds a silver coin in the gutter. What a surprise, just enough money to buy two candy bars. He opens the first bar of chocolate , no ticket. Kicking himself for wasting the money, he hopelessly opens the second one... wait.. he's See's something.. A Golden Ticket!!!! He got a ticket to play!!!
Think about it. He won a golden ticket to the best show in town with a coin he did not earn. We find him running through the streets to go and tell his grandfather the unbelievable news. This ticket will change his whole life. Grace begins the story. His hunger to be near Mr. Wonka coupled with his humble spirit wins the contest. Willie Wonka was looking for a willing heart.. Kind of like our God.. He is looking for a willing heart.. I have nothing to bring to the table but a willing heart.. Just like Charlie, I find myself opening a chocolate bar bought with a silver coin I never earned that buys me a ticket the best show in town, "Salvation". I love to be used by God. Always in awe that He would use someone as broken as me. I guess thats how we go from Hollow to Whole!
I am so honored, Justina. Thank you for listening to God and following His direction. This may be the beginning.. a ticket to play! What I have always asked for.. God, I just want a ticket to play...
Dreaming big with God,
Julie Peck
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