Wednesday, December 10, 2014

While we wait.. Love Changes Our Perspective

"How The Wolves Changed the Rivers of Yellowstone National Park"

Today's Focus:
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Love Rules

Now that's a change in perspective..
 "Thou Shall Not!"
"They Shall Never Again Hurt My Children!"
The ten commandments.. they ruffle our feathers don't they?
We don't really like rules
At the core of our humanness
We don't like to be told what we cant do
Why is that?
I chose the video clip above to illustrate how a change in perspective can change a whole ecosystem. 
I remember when the wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone. We were there visiting that summer. I remember thinking how awful .. The wolves will come in and kill everything. 

Sight that is filtered through fear

Steals, Kills & Destroys

All I could see at the time.. was what the wolves would take
not what they might give..

When I came across this video, I remember thinking.. Wow!! It changed my whole perspective.
They came and did kill.. but they also brought life. 
They balanced 
They brought things back to the middle

I have a tendency to be unbalanced.. especially when I read Gods truth through the filter of fear. 
I am learning today to read His word through the filter of His love. 

Sight filtered through His Love

Gives, Protects and Restores

It's true.. My perspective began changing 10 years ago after I needed to see through the filter of His love in a desperate way. I knew Jack went to Heaven.. and I wanted to never again question where I would go when it was my time to go.. 

My journey began
My perspective changed from 
to a all consuming Holy Fire of His 

His word is given to us to protect us from fear. It's a love letter that we get to open every day that teaches us the secret ways of walking through this life. It shows us the upside down ways of life.. they ways that contradict our rational thinking.. We learn to live through our hearts and not just our heads. Transformation and Restoration begins changing our hearts and from there moves and changes our thinking.. and then changes the way we act and react to this world. It's pretty amazing.. 10 years ago I never thought I would be someone so taken by the heart of God.. but I am and that has made all the difference in my life today. I kept my distance from Him because I thought I could never measure up.. keep the rules.. Now I know I will never measure up or keep the rules and that's why He gave us Jesus:) Through His love.. His heart.. He's gives to us life.. He gives us protection from the life takers  and He and restores us to give life to others.. It's true:) 

Ann Voskamp wrote out the Ten Commandments in today's devotional.. These will change your perspective.. At least, I hope they begin to change them.. I believe this is the heart of God:)

"The Ten Commandments are more than God saying, :Here are My rules of law for you"; they are God saying, "Here is my real love for you." So God wrote His love right into the rock, saying to His people, just like a man might tell his bride at their wedding, "Here, I take you to be Mine, and you will be the one I will love more than anything- so have nothing in your life you love more than Me."  " Here, I give you My name- My very name to make you Mine- so please do not say My name without love. 
 "Here, I want nothing more than to spend time with you, holy time just for you and me- so set apart one day every week for you and Me to enjoy each other.
 "Here, I love you, special one- so don't want what others have, because I will give you what you need. 
 So, don't lie, because My forever love for you means you never have to be afraid of telling the truth to me.
 Don't steal form others, because I promise I will always give you what you need. 
So don't murder anyone in anger, because My love for you will always soothe away any anger. "

Now that's a change in perspective
it brings 
It brings us back to the 

Love always does that
it brings a balance
an understanding to both sides:) 

It helps us do what is most important

Loving Jesus
so we can 
Love others like we love our self.

See here is an example of the upside down strategies of God
Only when we know God's love for us
can we love ourselves
and that's when
We love others with the purest love 
His love:)

"Love Came Down"
Brian Johnson

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