Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"What can I Do?"

"Little Boy" is a movie that tells the story of a 7-year old boy that is willing to do whatever it takes to bring his dad home from World War II alive. 

First of all, I just love this little boy! He is so full of life and love for his father. The two of them have the perfect relationship. It is one that is filled with epic daily adventures that produce an inseparable bond of love. The movie takes us on a journey that shows the many seasons of life. Some are filled with smiles and laughter while others are filled with heartbreak and tears. In this movie, a painful season of the promised sufferingbarges in uninvited and unwelcomedthe little boys dad is called to war and taken far away home. The heartbreak and tears provoke the little boy's heart to ask some really hard questions. The first one is the hardest one to of all … What can I do?

I chose this movie trailer because it highlights a lesson I’m learning this season. The lesson is filled with many questions. How does God see me and what am I to do?This is a familiar question that is once again going after my need to perform and to be self-sufficient. I like to please others. I usually do this by doing the things ‘theythink I should do. This process begins with picking up responsibility that isn't mine, butbegs for me to come up with a plan and solution. I was made aware of this pattern earlier this year when I was faced with a problem I couldn't solve. The fruit that came from trying to figure it out was anxiety and weariness. I was exhausted with not being able to figure it out! I remember asking, Jesus, what can I do? The same question came to mind after watching this movie clip. What in the world could this seven-year-oldboy do to bring his father back home from World War II? He's just a little boy—a child with no resources.

Well, not from God's point of view. He has inside of him a resource that is more powerful than anything here on earth. He doesn't know it yet, but God is about to show him a power hidden deep within his heart. The power comes from his will to believe. He's only required to say "yes" to the one looking for His chosen one. You see the boy doesn't try to be God. He doesn't try to figure things out or take up responsibly that isn't his. He is asked one question, "Do you believe?" and his response opens the door for God to work. God just wants him to be willing to believe. When He says yes, God shows up in His full power and starts to move the mountains of unbelief. 

Recently, God began showing me that I was missing out on some much-needed grace. I wasn't aware of it but I was doing a lot of things on my own. He shined some light on my faulty belief system. The belief was "I'm sure I know how God's going to handle this because I've seen Him do this before." I won't bother Him. I'll just get the job done. This mindset was wearing me down and overloading my calendar. I remember one night feeling so overwhelmed by the heavy yoke I had around my neck. I cried out to God and said, I can't do this anymore! I remember hearing very clearly, "Julie, I never asked to you to do my job." He began to show me that my job was to be human and to do human things, which would actually let Him be God and do God things. I was neglecting the small human things He was asking me to do because they didn't seem importantor to be God like things. He showed me that doing the small human things actually opens the door so He can do the big God things. He didn’t want me to come up with a plan to figure everything out. He just wanted me to come to Him with every circumstance, no matter how small,and give it Him. He wanted me to come as a student in every circumstance with a teachable heart. His truth revealed my deepest fear, "I didn't have all the answers." This fear has driven me most of my life. It has treated me like a slave, whipping me until the job was done. It has kept me from many adventures because I was afraid of looking stupid. God only wants me to ask for help and believe in Him for the plan and outcome. He keeps telling me, Julie, you be human and do human-like things so I can be your Savior and do God-like things. This new way of thinking exposed a question that I was always asking myself… What can I do?

I would compare myself to others who seemed more equipped to do the job. The inadequacy I felt drove me straight to ‘figure it out mode.’ Fear would fill me and take my focus off the One who was more than capable of equipping me. I never thought about asking Jesus what He was asking me to do. Now, I see that He only wants me to offer my willingness to believe To say "yes" and trust that He will provide the plan and the outcome. I needed to begin to believe Him for more than my salvation at the end of my story. Believing that Jesus is victorious in the end is good but I needed to start believing Him to be victorious in midst of my story.

One of my favorite stories in the bible is when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. I know this may sound strange but it's not because He raise Lazarus from the dead. I've often thought, “Poor Lazarus had to come back to earth from Heaven! What I like most about the story is how Jesus saved His most powerful miracle for His close friends, Martha and Mary. When Martha met with Jesus she expressed her belief in seeing her brother again in heaven. She believed this because this is all she knew to believe in up to this point.

"Martha said, ‘Master, if you’d been here,my brother wouldn’t have died. Even now, I know that whatever you ask God he will give you.
Jesus said, ‘Your brother will be raised up.
Martha replied, ‘I know that he will be raised up in the resurrection at the end of time.
Jesus said, You don’t have to wait for the End. I am, right now, Resurrection and Life. The one who believes in me, even though he or she dies, will live. And everyone who lives believing in me does not ultimately die at all. Do you believe this?” (John 11:21-26).

Do you see Him ask Martha the question that is about to give her a new understanding of who He can be for her NOW in the midst of her story? He is inviting her to a deeper faith by asking her one question, "Do you believe?" I'm sure she struggled because her plan didn't line up with His plan. He saidthat her brother would rise again. She agreed, believing it would be at the end of her story. Then He asks Martha to believe Him for His plan and His outcome. Her reply...

Yes, Master. All along I have believed that you are the Messiah, 
the Son of God who comes into the world”(John 11:27).

She says "yes" and this is how He responds...

Jesus looked her in the eye. 

Didn’t I tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?(John 11:40).

Her "yes" positioned her to see God's glory at one of its finest moments! He blew her mind when she expressed her willingness to let go of her plans and say "yes" to His.

Again, I'm blown away with what He has given me to share with you. I just love Jesus! I love His heart for us and how He wants to take the pressure off of us. He wants us to give Him the heavy things so we can sit back to see His amazing glory!